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Frequently Asked Questions About High-Asset Divorce

Last updated on August 28, 2024

It can be hard to make vital steps in your high-asset divorce when you do not have a strong understanding of divorce laws. You can learn more about high-asset divorce laws in Fort Lauderdale by asking attorney Stuart House questions. Here are some frequently asked questions about high-asset divorce:

What is considered a high-asset or high net worth divorce in Florida?

A high-asset divorce typically involves a combined net worth of $1 million or more. But a divorce with a net worth of several thousand dollars can also be considered high net worth. Whether a divorce involves millions or thousands of dollars, it can help to talk with an experienced divorce lawyer.

What do I need to look for in a high-asset divorce lawyer in Florida?

You do not want just any attorney to take on your high-asset divorce. You want an attorney who is experienced in Florida divorce law. Attorney Stuart House has been helping clients settle high net worth divorces since 1991. With over 30 years of experience, he has handled many unique cases.

Are there special considerations in high-asset divorce in Broward or Palm Beach counties?

When dealing with a high-asset divorce in Broward or Palm Beach counties, there are a few complex considerations that should be made. The main focus of a high-asset divorce is the division of assets that make up the marital estate, which can include businesses and real estate. Spousal support may also need to be navigated in a high-asset divorce.

What are some do’s and don’ts in a high-asset divorce in Florida?

There are a few things you should and should not do in a high-asset divorce. For example, you should not hide assets or immediately agree to any kind of divorce settlement. You should understand your legal rights and get a divorce lawyer to help you reach a fair settlement.

Do I need a prenuptial agreement before I get married if I have significant assets?

If you have a sizable estate, it can benefit you to get a prenuptial agreement before marriage. A prenup can protect your assets in a divorce. It may be more difficult to establish asset protection after marriage begins.

Call A High-Asset Divorce Lawyer Today

Attorney House can help you begin your high-asset divorce. Talk to him today to start a consultation by calling Stuart N. House, P.A., at 754-732-7482 or sending an email.